Tuesday, January 31, 2012

                   Future Book Project
   Parents: For an upcoming Book Project your child
will need a one pound empty coffee can, or a cylinder
container that is similar to the size of a coffee can. 
      Be on the lookout! Check your recycle bin... :)
   P.S. If you have extra coffee cans at home, we'll
       be happy to take them off your hands.  
                          As always, Thanks!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thank you!
We now have volunteers that have
signed up to bring in a veggie tray, a fruit tray,
brownies, 2 types of cookies, drinks, cherry
7-up, Rice Krispie treats, and heart-shaped brownies
 for the Valentine's Day Party!
Thanks for volunteering so quickly!
We appreciate all you do!

We'd also like to thank the families that have
generously sent in coupon banking items and
glue sticks.  The kids shopped this week and were
very happy with the items they bought with the
coupons they've earned!  Thank you!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Valentine's Day Party Update

Our classroom Valentine's Party will be on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 14, around 1:00. A note will be coming home today about volunteering to send in treats. We would like a veggie tray, fruit tray, cupcakes, cookies and drinks. If you would be willing to volunteer for one of those items, please send the note back with the item you would like to send in as soon as possible, and Thank You!

Also, our Class List went home yesterday with the names of all the students in our class. (34)  If your student is passing out valentines to classmates, please be sure everyone on the list is included. <3 Thanks!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!
         2 hour delayed start today!
           School starts at 10:55

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"The greatest sign of success for a teacher...
 is to be able to say,
 "The children are now working as if I did not exist." 

- Maria Montessori
             January Book Projects 
       due Monday, January 30

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

                        A Few Updates

We are still in need of used books for our Animal
Ark fundraiser.  Thank you to those families
who have already sent books in.  We are planning
to have our sale in February.

We also had our Classroom Store open on Friday so
the students could spend their coupons. Once
again we are in need of replenishing it.  Remember,
we have several spending levels, so anything you can
send in is greatly appreciated!

Book orders are going home on Wednesday, January
18th and will be do back to school on Monday, January

We are studying Geometric Shapes in Math.  If you
are using IXL at home, that may be a good standard
to focus on.  Also, continue having your child practice
their flashcards, and counting money.  Even a few minutes
a day makes a huge difference!

The Valentine's Day party is approaching.  If you would
like to help support this activity we will need a few healthy
snacks in the classroom for the party.  Also, a list will be
coming home with all the students' names to make sure
everyone is included on the valentines.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Website Discovery
A fun new website for virtual field trips for kids. 
Check it out!