Sunday, April 29, 2012

Upcoming Activities in May and June
We have some important events happening in May and 
June that you may need to be aware of.

*Friday, May 25 -Animal Ark Field Trip
It is a 9:00 - 2:00 event and we need chaperones.
If you would like to volunteer early, please let us know.

*Friday, June 1 Field Day & 2nd Grade End of Year Picnic
Field Day is in the morning.
Picnic is right after Field Day at Caughlin Ranch Park.

We will need a few volunteers to help out with Field Day activities and we are also looking for volunteers to help other 2nd grade volunteers with the End-of-the-Year picnic. Please notify us if you can help! :)

*Wednesday, June 6, is the Last day of school.  It is a 9:00 - 1:15 early release day.

Also, if you child has a birthday in June, July, or August, we will be celebrating it near the end of May or beginning of June. You may wish to contact other parents involved to plan a pizza lunch to alleviate the problem of too many sweets showing up on that day. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

    EARTH DAY, APRIL 22, 2012

 “All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the earth

Befalls the sons of the earth.

Man did not weave the web of life,

He is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web,

He does to himself.” 

                              ―Chief Seattle (1780-1866)

Animal Report-Upcoming Project
This is just a reminder to start thinking about an endangered animal you would like to report on.  If you go to the Links to Learning on the right side of this blog page,there are some animal videos to check out.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Since Earth Day is right around the corner (April 22) we are beginning our studies of endangered animals and taking care of our Earth.  We completed a "Directed Draw" of a panda, a highly endangered animal.  There are less than 1600 left in the wild. Check out our great artists below.  The pictures are located on our bulletin board at the end of 
A-wing if you'd like to check them out!

Welcome Back!
Friday, before spring break, we held our annual 
"Egg Drop."  Each student received the same materials and their job was to create a covering for a raw egg that would survive a 10 foot fall. Who become the "Scientists of the Day?" Check out the pictures below to find out!

Scientists of the day!
Hudson and Tressa's eggs survived!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The field trip to The Discovery Museum was a huge success.  It was a hands-on experience for all of them! "Thank You" to all the parents who volunteered to chaperone. 
We couldn't do it without you!


Our Animal Ark Adoptees 


On Friday, we will be doing our annual Egg Drop experiment. It's a fun activity to wrap up our study of eggs, our directed draw, and animals that lay eggs.  The kids always have a great time creating an egg cover that will protect their egg from breaking. Each student gets the same materials to use.  Good Luck and let's see who becomes Scientist of the Day!

We will be reading about a special bakery in California and tasting some delicious JalapeƱo Bagels! We will also begin presenting our Can a Character Book Projects.

Perimeter and Area are our themes of the week in math!

This past week we participated in a special shopping activity with the 3/4 SWAS class.  Our students really enjoyed this special  activity.

After spring break we will be learning about conservation and endangered species, which follows right along with "Earth Day" around the world. The last "at home project" will be an endangered animal report. Have your child begin to think about an endangered species they may want to learn more about.  Directions for the project will be coming home shortly.

Have a fantastic spring break!