Monday, May 21, 2012

Animal Ark Chaperone Update

If you volunteered to chaperone, first, know that 
we really appreciate you! 
We will need you to arrive at school by about 8:40.
*The cost for all chaperones is $5.  You will need to pay at the Bobcat Bazaar once you arrive. They really count on our funding to help support their cause.

*The tour lasts about 90 minutes, not including travel time.

*The trail we will take on the tour is about a mile long so wear comfortable shoes.

*Please remind your student that Animal Ark is an animal sanctuary and we need to be respectful to our tour guide and follow their rules. 

*Our class will be divided into 2 sections to give all students are better opportunity to view the animals.

*Once we are walking on the trail, please help remind the students to stay quiet so we will have a better chance to see all the animals.

*We will be eating lunch there, so pack your student and yourself a cold lunch.

*Last but not least, the temperature at Animal Ark is about 10 degrees cooler than in Reno.  The forecast for Friday is for a 30% chance of rain with temperatures in the lower 50s.
Please dress your child accordingly.

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Look Ahead -The Next 3 Weeks

*5/21 Monday(postponed to Tuesday) 
Solar Energy - Grasshopper Activity & Butterfly Release
{A big Thank You to the Kanegsberg family for their generous donation for this activity!}

*5/23 Wednesday
2nd grade music performance in multipurpose room 9:30 school, 1:00 parents
  Attire: Girls - dress or skirt
            Boys - nice pants, no jeans please 

*5/24 Thursday
Summer Birthdays' Celebration at 1:30             
*5/25 Friday
 Animal Ark Field Trip, 9:00-2:00- Send in a sack lunch for your child; dress in layers, wear tennis shoes, sunscreen, camera by choice

*6/1 Friday 
-Field Day 9:00 - 11:20 
Wear tennis shoes please (a few volunteers needed)
-2nd grade afternoon picnic at the park 11:20-1:30                            
(We need a few parents to volunteers to send in cookies for dessert. Please contact us.)
*6/4 or 6/5- Monday or Tuesday 
End of the Year Beachball Activity       
*6/6 Wednesday 
Last Day of School
Report Cards go home 
Dismissal at 1:15
Another Field Trip Reminder
  • Our field trip to Animal Ark is one week from today, Friday, May 25th.  
  • If you are planning on joining us, you may choose to drive your own vehicle, find other parents to carpool with, or ride the bus.  (If I could carpool with you...that would be my 
  • We will leave the school promptly at 9:05.  If you are not joining us, be sure to have your child at school on time, or a bit earlier, if possible.  
  • We will be eating lunch at Animal Ark, so be sure to pack one for your student (and yourself, if you are chaperoning).
  • The weather is unpredictable, so dress your student in layers.  It looks like it will be a beautiful day though!
  • Please remind your student that it is an animal sanctuary and to listen carefully to the tour guide.  The quieter we are, the more chances we will have to see the animals up close.
  • It is a full day field trip, returning to school by 2:00ish.   

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another End of the Year Update
All Library books should be returned by Monday, May 21st since it is the last time our class will be going to Library. 
Thank you!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


*Wednesday, June 6, is the Last Day of School.  It is a 9:00 - 1:15 early release day.

The Animal Ark Field Trip form
went home on May 2.  Please take a moment to read it, check the appropriate lines, and return the bottom of the form with the cost of the field trip to school ASAP.  A Big Thanks! to the parents who are willing to chaperone our trip.  We couldn't do it without you! 

Also, all Library books are due back in the Library by May 25th.

The AR Store will be the week of 
May 21-25.  Your child will be able to purchase items using the AR dollars they earned by reading and taking AR tests.