Saturday, December 22, 2012

A very Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Twas the Day Before Winter Break...

Just a quick reminder, today is Pajama Day
at school.  To join in the fun...your child may wear their PJs and slippers, bring a pillow, and a small stuffed animal to help us celebrate Super Spirit Day!

What a wonderful International celebration we had yesterday!  A huge "thank you" goes out to all of our wonderful families. You made the day a success!
The students had a great time, and we hope you did, too!
Pictures will be coming shortly!

Have a relaxing and restful winter break, 
and enjoy your holiday!

Friday, December 14, 2012

'Twas the week before winter break....
Important dates....

*Country Craft due ASAP, no later than Wednesday

*Book exchange book, ASAP, no later than Tuesday

*Food for International Luncheon due Thursday AM
     (If your food item doesn't need to be heated, or you have      a crock pot, you may drop it off in the morning before school and our luncheon helpers will set it out up for you.)

*International Luncheon, families welcome! 
Thursday, 12/20 at 11:15-12:15 ish. Please try to attend!

*Pajama Day, Book Exchange, Movie, Friday, 12/21
      Your student may wear PJs and slippers on Friday, and they may also bring in a small stuffed animal to watch the movie with, in our classroom. We will be serving the leftover cookies from the luncheon...and we are looking for a volunteer to make hot chocolate..

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe