Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Monday, April 22nd, is Earth Day!
The Reno Earth Day celebration will be at Idlewild Park in Reno on Sunday, April 21st.  We encourage you to check it out. For more information you can check the Reno Earth Day website at: Earth Day - Reno 2013

Check out this link:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Pictures went home today
Your child's spring pictures went home today.  Look
them over.  If you want to purchase the package, please  send in a check for the appropriate amount.  If you are not interested in purchasing the pictures, please return the package. Thank you!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Animal Report Info 
The complete directions for the May 6th 
Animal Report went home last night in your student's homework folder. They should have chosen their animal 
book from the library. A few of them have overdue 
books and will need to return one  so the librarian 
can check out their animal book.

Below are two examples of the format 
for the Animal Report.
You may come to the classroom if you'd like to 
see them in person, or if you have any questions.