Animal Ark Reminder, This Friday
The Animal Ark Field Trip will take place
this Friday, May 17th. We will leave school
promptly at 9:15, so please make sure
your student arrives on time.
We still have a few students who need
to send back their permission slips.
If you signed up to chaperone, please note
we are asking you to drive out to the Ark
since we are only taking one bus. Also, since
our time at Animal Ark is very limited,
the Gift Shop is off limits.
The trails at Animal Ark are dirt, so please
have your child wear appropriate shoes,
and also bring an extra layer of clothing
since our weather can change quickly.
This entire field trip is outdoors.
They will need to bring a sack lunch with
a drink, and no glass bottles please.
They may bring a camera if they want to.
Field Day Volunteers
Field Day is scheduled for the morning of
May 31st. The kids look forward to this
day every year. We can't do it without
parent volunteers so we need your help!
If you have some time to spare, please
email us or send in a note.
Thank you!
Music Program Time Change
The music program has been rescheduled for
Wednesday, May 29th at 1:00.
Please update your calendars.
AR Points
The last day to take AR quizzes in order for
the points to be counted at this year's
AR store will be May 15th. Any quizzes taken
after that date will go toward
next year's points/store.