Friday, September 30, 2011

Apple Pie Day!

 Thank you to all our fantastic classroom volunteers for making our annual pie making event a huge success.  The kids were sooo excited.  They measured the circumference of their apple, weighed it,  measured the length of their peel (we had some record lengths recorded), sliced their apple, and finally made their pie, 8 in all.  For some of them, it was their first time eating apple pie!  It was the end of our 2 week study on the lifecycle of apples.  Our next unit of study is bats!  If you haven't been, the bridge over the Truckee River on McCarran Blvd. near Greg St. has a huge colony of Brazilian fruit bats living under the bridge.  They will be migrating south very soon.  You may still have time to see them.  Go to the bridge just as the sun is setting.  They begin flying west from under the bridge by the thousands.  The entire process takes about 20 minutes.  It's quite a sight to see!
October Birthdays: Tressa, Adam, Sean, Alex.  Parents, if you are sending in a treat, please have it in our classroom, this Friday before 1:30.  Thanks!

Measuring circumference
Comparing apples

Weighing the apples

Measuring the apple peel.  This one was a record!

Peeling and coring the apples

Slicing the apples into smaller pieces

Preparing the crusts

Friends helping friends

Out of the oven and warm!


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