Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chaperones for High School Musical, Friday, December 9th

Our 5 chaperones for "High School Musical" are Mrs. Weisenberger, Mrs. Siebert, Mrs. Messer, Mrs. Lessard, and Mrs. Mills. If, for some reason you are unable to chaperone, please email us ASAP so we can ask another parent to fill in for you.

We had a long list of chaperones sign up for this field trip. Unfortunately, with 1st grade going as well, our number of chaperones is limited to 5. There are 2 more field trip coming up in the spring (Discovery Museum, Animal Ark) which will be more open to as many chaperones as would like to join us.

A field trip reminder note will be going home next week.  Please send your child to school with a cold lunch that day in case we are late returning from the trip.

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