Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wishing everyone a fantastic Winter break!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Country Crafts
Most of the crafts arrived today! It's so great to see how each one of the kids put their own spin on it.  We were very impressed!  They will be on display during our luncheon on Thursday!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

International Luncheon UPDATE 2

  • *We're getting all the details in place for our annual International Luncheon!  We will be serving foods from: Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Mexico, and England. We've had a 100% response for food sign-ups being brought in. Just as a reminder - the luncheon is this coming Thursday, Dec. 22, at 11:30, in our classroom, K2. 
  • *We would like the foods to arrive at school before 9:00 so that we can have parents setting up and labeling the food tables to be ready for lunch at 11:30. If you'd like to help set up, please let us know.
  • *If you signed up to bring in a hot dish and need special arrangements, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We don't have the means to heat up foods in an oven, so please keep that in mind. The students have been working diligently on their reports!  They're interest level is high. It's been fun watching their faces when they learn about customs in different countries and how they are similar, but different from ours.
  • *Can't wait to see all of you at the luncheon this Thursday!  Come hungry!

12/19 Books for Kids Book Exchange Due 

12/22 International Luncheon 11:30 in K2

12/23 Book Exchange/Pajama Day/Movie 
    (We'd like to serve hot chocolate/cookies that morning. If you are willing to volunteer with making the hot chocolate, it would be so appreciated. Email us please.)  

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The latest spelling words are now entered on Spelling City on Friday evening.  You can get started on the weekly spelling contract to free up some time during the week for those of you with busy schedules!

Friday, December 9, 2011

International Luncheon Update 

Most of the green food slips have been returned with the food item to be brought in listed on the slip.  If you haven't sent it in yet, please do so ASAP.  We need a few more Main Dishes, so if you are trying to decide what to bring in, that may narrow it down for you.

We will need a few volunteers to bring in a case of water each and some capri suns for the luncheon.  If you are willing to help out with this, please email us. 

The day of the luncheon we will need volunteers to help with organizing the food on the serving tables and food labels.  Please email us if you'd like to help with that.

The kids are learning some great information about winter customs in their country of study.  This luncheon will be a great way to tie it all up!

12/19 Books for Book Exchange Due
12/22 International Luncheon 11:30 K2
12/23 Book Exchange/Pajama Day/Movie (We'd like to serve hot chocolate/cookies on that morning. If you are willing to volunteer to help with making the hot chocolate, it would be so appreciated.)  

Monday, December 5, 2011

International Luncheon sign-up note
A note will be coming home tomorrow about signing up for a potluck dish for our international luncheon.  You will find your student's country on the bottom of the sign-up sheet. Please choose a main dish or a dessert from your student's country of study. The sign-up slip needs to be returned no later than Monday so we have time to make adjustments, if necessary. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Just a reminder that we have a field trip this Friday, December 9th.  We will be leaving school at approx. 9:05, so please make sure your child is not late to school.  Students will need to bring a cold lunch in case we miss the “hot lunch” period at school.  Thank you for those volunteering to chaperone this field trip.  Unfortunately the seats were very limited.  The chaperones for this trip have received their reminder note. We promise there will be other chaperoning opportunities this year.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Update...Holiday Book Exchange/PJ Day  - Friday, December 23rd

We are asking each child purchase a new book ($5) for the student whose name they are given. Shhh! It's a secret!  Make sure your child does not tell anyone whose name they have! The note with the student's name on it will be coming home on Monday. Oops!! Wednesday...Please return the permission slip attached to the back of the note. 

Scholastic book orders went home on Tuesday.  If you are ordering, please return them by Monday, Dec. 5.  The orders will arrive before Winter Break.  Thanks you!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Don't forget to save the date, Thursday, December 22 @ 11:30 for our classroom International Luncheon. More details will be arriving shortly!
Chaperones for High School Musical, Friday, December 9th

Our 5 chaperones for "High School Musical" are Mrs. Weisenberger, Mrs. Siebert, Mrs. Messer, Mrs. Lessard, and Mrs. Mills. If, for some reason you are unable to chaperone, please email us ASAP so we can ask another parent to fill in for you.

We had a long list of chaperones sign up for this field trip. Unfortunately, with 1st grade going as well, our number of chaperones is limited to 5. There are 2 more field trip coming up in the spring (Discovery Museum, Animal Ark) which will be more open to as many chaperones as would like to join us.

A field trip reminder note will be going home next week.  Please send your child to school with a cold lunch that day in case we are late returning from the trip.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Coupon shopping this week!

We finally found time for the kids to gather up their coupon papers and good citizenship coupons and shop in our classroom store.  Some chose to save, but most of them found something they "needed" to buy with their coupons.  We know this time of year can be difficult, but while your out shopping on "Black Friday" and you find some good bargains...try to think about helping us replenish our classroom store. Thanks for your generosity!

Friday, November 18, 2011

In our thoughts and prayers

We would like our families and students to know you are in our hearts and prayers.  We hope you are all safe!  If you are in need of anything because of the fire,  please let us know if there is anything we can do!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


With Nevada's newly adopted Common Core Standards a big focus for 2nd grade is for your child to have their math facts memorized up to 20 (meaning sums to 20). One way to practice this is with flashcards at home.  Below is a link to a website with free math flashcards to print and also a link to play math games that focus on memorizing math facts with addition and subtraction. 


Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The kids had a great science day being biologists! Last week we read fiction and non-fiction stories about owls. Then watched several videos on owl behavior and habitats, and even saw an owl coughing up a "fur ball." (owl pellet) They've learned a lot of amazing facts about owls.

Today was the culmination of their learning.  They worked in pairs dissecting owl pellets.  They had a diagram to help them sort what they were discovering.  They found skulls and bones from many common owl victims: birds, rodents, shrews, moles.  Check out the pics during our morning of science.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

PIZZA PARTY TOMORROW, Wednesday, Nov. 9!

Our class earned a Pizza Party for meeting our Jog-A-Thon fundraising goals! On Wednesday, November 9th, our class will be getting pizza delivered to them in the lunchroom.  They will still need to bring a drink and a snack on this day, but they won't need to pack the "main dish."  Great job 2nd grade students and parents! Thanks for your hard work!

Links to Learning

New learning links have been added under LInks to Learning. Two have math games to help your child master those basic addition and subtraction math facts, as well as other strands and levels in math and language arts. The others are virtual tours of Plimoth Plantation where the first Thanksgiving took place and a great owl video.  Please take a few minutes to check it out and show it to your child.  They are great resources to help boost your child's academics! New links will be added as we find more. Thanks!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Upcoming International Winterfest Luncheon

Please mark your calendar for Thursday, December 22nd from 11:30 - 12:45.  This is our Annual International Winterfest Luncheon in our classroom.  In December, your child will be learning about a particular country.  To help us celebrate all that they've learned, we will be asking you to send in a food item from that country.  This activity brings parents and students together!  More information will be coming...but please try to arrange your schedule so you can be here for your child on that day.  It will mean a lot to them!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


We are doing an owl activity next Wednesday morning at 10:30. It will take 1 hour.  We will need some extra helping hands if you're available.  Also, if you are a weekly volunteer in our classroom, we will not be doing regular rotations next week because of the minimum day scheduling, so if you would like to join us on Wednesday morning instead of your regular weekly rotation time, we would so appreciate the help!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


We are requesting 100% participation at Parent-Teacher conferences.  If you have not signed up for a conference time, please contact us ASAP.  Also, if you cannot make your conference time, please call the CRES office. (689-2600)

Tuesday, Nov.8th
1:00  Mikey
1:30  David
2:00  Nathan M.
         Nathan H.
2:30  Eric
3:00  Hudson
3:30  Luke

Wednesday, Nov.9th
1:00  Jocelyn
1:30  Aidan
2:00  Audrey
3:00  Jay/Mya

Thursday, Nov.10th
1:00  Dakota (2)
1:30  Torston
2:00  Kathryn

Friday, October 28, 2011


A 'Shout Out' to our Halloween Party mom, Wendy Mills! What great organizing!  We had a fantastic group of parent volunteers, and we thank you!  The party was a huge hit! Our annual "Mummy Wrap" was, as usual, the most requested activity.  The kids decorated cookies, competed in an M & M straw contest, and ate some special Halloween treats and witches brew!  Thanks for all you do, volunteers!

 Sweet Treats
 Mummy, mummy
 They did the wrap...
 Mario and Luigi
 More mummies
 Party Rock...
 Vould you like a bite....mooooaaaaahhhhh

 Anyone lose a finger?
 Dunking lolipops
 Mummy wrappers for hire

 Zombie football player
 Thanks Andria!
 Cinderellie and Thor
 Witches brew, thanks Steve!
 The treasure is buried right HERE!