Saturday, December 17, 2011

International Luncheon UPDATE 2

  • *We're getting all the details in place for our annual International Luncheon!  We will be serving foods from: Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Mexico, and England. We've had a 100% response for food sign-ups being brought in. Just as a reminder - the luncheon is this coming Thursday, Dec. 22, at 11:30, in our classroom, K2. 
  • *We would like the foods to arrive at school before 9:00 so that we can have parents setting up and labeling the food tables to be ready for lunch at 11:30. If you'd like to help set up, please let us know.
  • *If you signed up to bring in a hot dish and need special arrangements, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We don't have the means to heat up foods in an oven, so please keep that in mind. The students have been working diligently on their reports!  They're interest level is high. It's been fun watching their faces when they learn about customs in different countries and how they are similar, but different from ours.
  • *Can't wait to see all of you at the luncheon this Thursday!  Come hungry!

12/19 Books for Kids Book Exchange Due 

12/22 International Luncheon 11:30 in K2

12/23 Book Exchange/Pajama Day/Movie 
    (We'd like to serve hot chocolate/cookies that morning. If you are willing to volunteer with making the hot chocolate, it would be so appreciated. Email us please.)  

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