We had a fantastic first week of school! Here are a couple of reminders
as next week begins...
Your child is allowed to bring in a
healthy snack each day. We usually have snack at 10:00. Our lunchtime is later this year, at 11:45, and we can sure tell. Please make sure your child its a good breakfast to keep there tummies filled until snack time. If you'd like your child to have a snack each day, please send it in. We did provide a healthy snack this week for the students who did not bring one, but next week we will discontinue that. Also, there is no sharing of snacks due to food allergies.
If you pick up your child every day at school, please be sure they know where you are meeting them. Some parents prefer to park their car in the parent drop-off zone or street and wait there, and others like to wait outside our classroom door. Either works for us, as long as your child is aware. Once winter arrives, (I hate to even bring it up) and there is snow on the ground, the sidewalk along the front of the school to get to our classroom is blocked off with caution tape. You will need to meet your child in the hallway by our classroom door.
Have a great 3-day weekend! Looking forward to seeing you at Back-To-School night, this Tuesday, Sept. 6th, from 6:00 - 7:30!