Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A quick reminder that Friday, Sept. 14th is "Talk Like a Pirate Day!" It is for 2nd grade only, and most of the kids have been waiting for this day since 1st grade. We are telling you about it ahead of time so you will have plenty of time to help your child plan their costume for the day, if they choose to dress up.  Be creative!  Google some pictures of pirate costumes and come up with your own special design! They get to dress like a pirate for the entire school day.  There is no need to buy a costume, unless you'd like to.  It's always a fun day! 

Also, a big THANK YOU to all the parents for sending in supplies right away! Just a reminder, the class fee is $40.  Please email us or send in a note if there is a difficulty with this or if you'd like to pay it in 2 installments.  

Monday we sent home a packet of paperwork that needs to be completed. Please send back the paperwork as soon as possible.  

Your child's spelling contract came in that packet, as well. Please read the cover page and go over the spelling contract with your student.  Their completed spelling items need to come back to school on Friday morning.  They must do a minimum of 3 items.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Back to School Night, which is Tuesday, September 11, from 6:00 - 7:30.

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