Thursday, November 29, 2012

Friday, 11/30, CRAZY HAT DAY!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

International Luncheon sign-up note

Your student is beginning their country report this week in our classroom.

A note will be coming home soon about signing up to bring in a potluck dish for our International Luncheon on 
Thursday, December 20th from 11:00 - 12:30.

We are inviting all parents to this event, and it is very important to your child that at least one family member be present at the luncheon.

You will find your student's country of choice on the bottom of the sign-up sheet.  Please choose a main dish or a dessert from that country to make and share with the class.
This will be the class lunch for the day.

Please return the slip with the food item you will be sending in as soon as possible so we can make adjustments if necessary.  

Thank you in advance for your help!  

Holiday Book Exchange/Pajama Day 

Friday, December 21st

A note will be coming home shortly with all the details.We just wanted to give you a heads up so when you are out and about you can start looking for a book.  We are asking each student to purchase a new book (approximately $5) for the student whose name they are given. Shhh! It's a secret!  Make sure your child does not tell anyone whose name they have! The note with the student's name you will be buying a book for will be coming home soon. It may be a boy or a girl.
Spelling City Activity
Our class has purchased the Premium Addition of Spelling City. In checking the class records, we have noticed that only a few students are taking advantage of the great activities offered on Spelling City for Premium Members. On next week's spelling contract, we will be attaching your child's username and password in case you have misplaced it. Their username and password offers a huge variety of learning games in all areas for the students.  We encourage you to share this information with your child so they can have the opportunity to use the upgraded website.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Can-a-Character Book Project 
due this Tuesday....

Friday, November 23, 2012

December Calendar
Here is the December calendar.  More information about the holiday party/International Luncheon will be sent home shortly.

December Calendar RT

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Field Trip Update

Our first field trip will be on Thursday, December 6th.  We will be going to a play put on by the drama students at TMCC.  The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe will be at the Nell Redfield Theater on Keystone Ave.  We will be leaving shortly after 9:00 am and will be returning to school around noon.

A note went home in your student's Friday Folder.  Please send cash or a check made out to CRES in as soon as possible.  Chaperone tickets will be $6; however, please do not pay for a chaperone ticket without speaking to us first.  Seating is limited, therefore we may not be able to accommodate all of the parents that wish to chaperone.

The students will need to bring a cold lunch on that day.  We may miss our scheduled lunch time at school and will need to eat in the classroom when we return. The second grade teachers are also asking that students dress nicely on this day since we are going to a "theater" and practicing our audience manners. :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Time to send in those used books 
for the Animal Ark Used Book Sale
The holidays are just around the corner, so it's time to start cleaning out those bookcases and closets for those books that your child has read, and read, and read to help out a worthy cause. Our Animal Ark used book sale will be in February and we need to start collecting books to make sure we have enough for the sale.  
If you have any children's books to donate, please send them in ASAP.  We have started a collection in the back room, so please gather up those books and send them in. :)        
An animal at Animal Ark will thank you!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Reminder

Students have chosen their adventure books for their next book project, "Can A Character." Please look for the directions in their homework folders. The project will be due on Tuesday, Nov. 27, after the Thanksgiving holiday.

***Dissecting Owl Pellets***
Friday morning we dissected owl pellets! Talk about an engaging activity.  We spent the last two weeks learning all about owls. Then, we watched a video about barn owls and where the owl pellets come from.'s just a giant furball....with a few bones in it. When we told the kids that we were going to dissect owl pellets they were a bit grossed out. But the morning of the dissection, all apprehensions disappeared.  The kids were totally excited and engaged.  They used their tools to carefully open their pellet. Then they sorted the bones  they found inside the pellet to see what the owl's prey was.  Check out the pictures below!