Tuesday, November 27, 2012

International Luncheon sign-up note

Your student is beginning their country report this week in our classroom.

A note will be coming home soon about signing up to bring in a potluck dish for our International Luncheon on 
Thursday, December 20th from 11:00 - 12:30.

We are inviting all parents to this event, and it is very important to your child that at least one family member be present at the luncheon.

You will find your student's country of choice on the bottom of the sign-up sheet.  Please choose a main dish or a dessert from that country to make and share with the class.
This will be the class lunch for the day.

Please return the slip with the food item you will be sending in as soon as possible so we can make adjustments if necessary.  

Thank you in advance for your help!  

Holiday Book Exchange/Pajama Day 

Friday, December 21st

A note will be coming home shortly with all the details.We just wanted to give you a heads up so when you are out and about you can start looking for a book.  We are asking each student to purchase a new book (approximately $5) for the student whose name they are given. Shhh! It's a secret!  Make sure your child does not tell anyone whose name they have! The note with the student's name you will be buying a book for will be coming home soon. It may be a boy or a girl.

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