Friday, February 22, 2013

Field Trip to the Discovery Museum
We will be going on a field trip to the Discovery Museum on March 12th.  That is also the day of our Open House. The cost for the students is $7 including the museum ticket and bus.  A note is in your child's Friday Folder this week. Chaperones will purchase their own tickets at the museum the morning of the field trip.  We will be gone from approximately 9:15-11:45. Please send a cold lunch in with your child that day since we may be late returning to school and would have to eat in our classroom. 
Please send in the signed permission slip with the money ASAP. We'd like to have it in by next Friday, March 1st, if at all possible. If you'd like to help out and chaperone, please indicate that on the bottom of the permission slip form.  

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